Terminator device may have additional outputs to control external devices such as switching power on various electronic devices. That can be useful in different situations.
That’s an example for Terminator software. Some server versions of Windows have a problem with the program shutting down of network services, but without the shutting down of these services network resources used by the network users can’t be deleted.
As a way out, in this situation, we proposed to power off the network hub that provides an immediate exit from the network server and no delay before removal. This is one of examples of control outputs usage.
Technically, there can be a plenty of examples of the need to manage a variety of electronic devices. There may appear a need to manage alarm devices, electric door locks, signal horns, door or window blockers, radio pagers, etc.
Built-in low-current switch:
Relay or semiconductor switch meant for small voltage (5-24 volt) and current (0,1-3A) switching. It is designed for switching secondary power supply circuits on appliances. Usually comes built into the body of the Terminator device.
External power switch:
Relay or semiconductor switch designed for high voltage (127-250 volt) and current (max: 2-200A) switching. It is designed for electrical power supply circuits of appliances. Delivered as individual external plug-ins.
Power switches are used to control high-power ultimate load within motors, valves, magnets, etc. They may be of different modifications, types and switch load parameters.
Camouflaged devices can also have control outputs.