Fear is an inner state of a man, which resembles drug effect. After having experienced it for several times man subconsciously eagers repetition. And, although the feeling doesn’t seem nice, the greatest pleasure is got after splash making us dependent on fear.
Haunted house attractions help anyone enjoy feeling that it was all over and now it’s safe. Everyone knows what YouTube is. And many have heard about earnings on own channels. Some even tried, but were very disappointed, realizing that they are required to represent author’s ideas. Furthermore, the project slowly failed.
We propose to make impressions thanks to haunted house attractions.
Place haunted house attractions for the quest in the abandoned premises. Get a video surveillance system capable of operating at night and transmitting the signal to the Internet. Of course, you won’t get real spectacular show, as it requires very expensive equipment and trained staff, but offline analogue is quite possible.
Get the picture with the camera, then cut it and send to your YouTube channel.
Participants of the quest will want to look at their suffering and horrors or feel the experience once more. The will discuss the event with their friends, stimulating new members for your reality show created with MidNight haunted house attraction.
You just have to watch your video views growing and count the money received because of your great idea to open professional haunted house, while not violating anyone’s copyright.