Better infant and toddler sleep with less light and noise

Sleep and light: A darker environment means less stimulus for your youngster.

This will assist to soothe and quiet them. A darker room also signals to your youngster that it is time to sleep.

While your child is in bed, the level of light in the room should remain constant while they sleep.

Sleep and noise: Some youngsters can fall asleep and stay asleep with some background noise. Others want peace and quiet. And youngsters are frequently readily startled by abrupt noises or variations in the level of background noise.

When noise levels are kept consistent, your kid may find it easier to fall and remain asleep.

Light and noise management suggestions

These suggestions can assist you in reducing light and maintaining a constant level of noise in your child’s sleeping environment:

Avoid loud noises. Close the windows and doors, cover the windows with heavy drapes or a blanket, and/or place a draught stopper beneath the door.

Closed windows and doors, window coverings, and other methods can help to block off morning light and noise. It may help your child sleep longer in the morning if your youngster cannot hear the noises of traffic or other early risers.

In the room where your child sleeps, experiment with low-level noise. Children can benefit from soft music to help them sleep. If your child wakes easily, white noise or rain noises may be soothing. They can also help to muffle loud noises.

Dim the lights as you prepare your infant or small child for bed. Closing shades or curtains during the day will help your youngster sleep.

If you use a gadget to provide gentle music, white noise, or rain sounds, keep it away from your baby’s ears and the level low. This safeguards your child’s hearing. However, be mindful that your youngster may start to rely on these sounds to go asleep. If this becomes an issue, you might consider phasing out sleep habits.


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